Jack's Jem:
Right up front I want to say that my wife (aka the Mom) is a wonderful cook, and I know a lot of you are aware of that. My waist line can also testify to that as well.
Now, for those of you out there who are unaware for the majority Autistic children including Jack getting them to try a new food is a battle the even Napoleon would shy away from. This warfare has been on going in home since Jack was old enough to throw baby food. Well we the parents fire what might as well serve as a nuclear strike a few weeks ago by using the age old that is whats for dinner and there is nothing else and if you don't eat it, "its for breakfast!" Jack stood his ground and went to bed with out dinner but over night his resolve waiver and by morning his defenses had collapsed. He gave in and ate dinner for breakfast. One small victory for the parents, but one battle does not win the war.
Fast forward to last night, the Mom made a fantastic homemade chicken noodle soup (aka a new food). Jack took one look and attacked (well not physically) by refusing to eat. So thinking back to our recent victory, we quickly responded with eat it now or eat it for breakfast. Jack effectively dug in for a prolonged battle and went up stairs changed into his pajamas and went to bed (all without being told to do so). Well the Mom stage his bowl of soup for a dawn attack.
Overnight Jack must of realized that he could not overwhelm us with a frontal assault and switched to insurgent warfare right out of the manual from Afghanistan:
1. Don't directly engage the enemy: Jack had gotten out of bed around 5 am and did not come get us. We went to get him up for school and found him playing quietly in his room.
2. Be friendly with the enemy: Jack came into my room and said to me "Good Morning Dad, give me my morning snuggles, I love you" (I knew something was up here!)
3. Maneuver around the enemy: Jack then told the Mom "I will just eat breakfast at school."
Since we controlled the battle space and in an effort to prevent the war from spilling over into his school and risking innocent teachers ( again not physically) we gave some ground and let him have the normal morning fare.
But the ambush is set and it's CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP for dinner. OK I may have gone a little overboard with the warfare analogies but it was too much fun.
The General, ok the Dad.