Monday, May 19, 2014

An entire family history in 8 seconds or less.

Jack's Jem:

While running some errands the other day with Jack and his brother and sister, we began discussing the origins of our Scottish last name.  Jack sat quietly in the back seat not seeming to be interested in the conversation.  Well, the conversation continued between the older siblings and I for some time and include a deep discuss of the history of the troubles between Scotland and England.  

It was during this part of the conversation that from the back seat Jack asks if we are talking about our ancestors.  I told him yes and the conversation continued.  A few moments later Jack says with some amount of enthusiasm that he could name all his ancestors.  

I had a feeling that this was going to be good so I told him to go for it. Here is was I got:

Caveman Jack, 
Egyptian Jack, 
Pirate Jack, 
Cowboy Jack, 
Knight Jack,
Just Ordinary Jack!

 This list took only about 8 seconds to deliver and I think he pretty much covered the entire family history.  I don't know about Caveman Jack or Egyptian Jack, but I would really like to go back in time and meet the Pirate, Cowboy and Knight Jacks respectively.

The Dad

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thanks for clearing that up.

Jacks Jem:

  This morning I was checking out Facebook and enjoying a cup of coffee when I noticed someone had posted one of those silly quizzes were you see what kind of something you are.  You know the kind, where you answer 5 or so silly questions and it tells you what kind of animal, action hero, or car you are.  Normally, I just scroll on past these without much thought, but today's quiz caught my eye because it was going to tell me what kind of weapon I was.  How could I not check this one out.  So I took the quiz and was told I was an explosive which both The Mom, and Jack found funny.  After our laugh the Mom took the quiz and low and behold she was also an explosive.  For those of you out there who know her that was really not much of a surprise,

  Well Jack decided he wanted to take the quiz too.  I want to share, that it was at this point that he surprised me with his knowledge of the world.  One of the questions asked what kind of job he would be interested in, the list included; lawyer, parent, mailman, architect, and librarian.  Jack paused for a moment then said architect. I was surprised by his answer and figured he didn't know what that was, so I asked him what an architect was.  He gave me a sweet innocent little look and then explained to me that an architect is a person who design buildings.  The way he answered made me  feel a little silly for even asking. I guess they are doing career counselling in the 3rd grade now because I never told him what an architect was.  

   Ok, back to the original story. Jack finished answering the questions and again another member of the family was informed that they were explosives.  We had another chuckle and Jack finished breakfast and started for the kitchen with his dishes.  As he was about to leave the dinning room he stopped and said:

  "Dad, maybe we are all explosives because we are full of gas."  

  Proclamation made he quickly went on about his morning routine.  I am sure glad he cleared up that up for us.  Now I am left wondering whether I should laugh or be offended.

The Dad

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Multitasking via the Autistic Mind

Jack's Jem:

  It is important to note for this little jem that the mascot of the University of Idaho football team is the Vandals, you know the same guys that sacked Rome.  Now Jack has taken a huge interest in supporting the Vandals even though he has never seen a game.  For him going to the University book with all of its Vandal merchandise is like going Toy's R Us, he just loves it.  
  The other day I had to return something to the bookstore and the family went with me.  It was at the bookstore that Jack gave the Mom and I an example of what multitasking really is, and here is the wisdom he shared;

" Hey Mom look a Vandals belt, you can spank me and support the Vandals at the same time! "

  See that is multitasking at its finest.  

The Dad

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Conversations with the Cat

Jack's Jem:

  I am always left laughing when Jack has a conversation with the cat, and this morning was no exception. The kids were very good this past week so I went out and got donuts Saturday morning, I might have wanted some too but I will not admit it.  Oh, wait I just did, didn't I.  Anyway, 2 donuts were left intact come Sunday morning and Jack was up at his normal 5:30 AM.  Jack was quick to asked if he could have one and in my sleep induced stupor I agreed. Jack quickly snatched his prize and headed into the other room, followed closely by Shadow the cat.  As I stood in the kitchen waiting desperately for the coffee to finish brewing. I hear the following conversation from the other room.

  "Shadow you better stay away from my donuts, you had better keep you furry little paws off of it!"

I wonder if Shadow ever feels this way?

Well enjoy and watch out for those furry little paws around your donuts.
The Dad