Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The T-Rex in your closet may just be trying on shoes.

Jack's Jem:

  I get to share this little Jem courtesy of one of Jack's teachers. As you can image, it's not hard to transform Jack in to Jack-a-Lope, and we call him that all the time.  Well so do his teachers, friends, and family etc.., you get the idea.  Jack is not overly fond of this nick name, mostly because when he was younger we told him it was not OK to call people names.  Take that rule and apply a large dash of autism and what do you get; the "11th Commandment".  Yes, we parents are sometimes our own worst enemies.  

  I digress and get back to the story as repeated to me.

Teacher: "Good Morning Mr. Jack-a-Lope"

Jack: "You know that they [Jack-a-Lopes] are extinct, just like dinosaurs in Go Go Boots!"

Teacher: speechless (ok, I added that part, but I am sure it is true)

  So here is your lesson in immortality, share something so strange that your name will always be associated with it and you will be remembered. Take a moment to consider this, Jack's teacher will always remember him when ever she sees a dinosaur or a pair of Go Go Boots. This is a two way street, however so be careful what you are associated with.  
  Anyway, I find myself a little concerned about my sanity because after hearing this story, the only thing I was thinking about was where in the world he heard about Go Go Boots, and not why dinosaurs were wearing them.  So if you have Go Go Boots in you closet check for dinosaurs before you wear them again. 

The Dad

One Final Note:  They (who ever they are) say you can find anything on the internet, well that is not true. You can not find a picture of a dinosaur wearing Go Go Boots, I tried!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Back Seat GPS

Jack's Jem:

Ok, I am back after a long hiatus from sharing Jack's musings on life with the world, and I am sorry for that.  Jack has never let up, but unfortunately some of his wit is lost to time and my old brain.  I will endeavor to recapture some of the moments that were lost and keep everyone up-to-date on his new proclamations.  Here is a good one from this weekend to get things rolling again.

On Valentine's Day, Jack and our little family headed out on a little road trip.  Jack is not a particular fan of road trips unless the DVD players are involved.  He is however fascinated with the in dash navigation system in our car. He is so fascinated in fact that for a good portion of the time he points out what is on the screen.  Most of the time this little activity tends to push the Mom and me to the near braking point, however this little drive was so relaxed that we were tolerating this little extra informational overload like we he had never done it before.

After a little while of repeating everything GPS related, Jack some how became distracted by something and stopped.  The Mom and me suddenly found ourselves in complete silence, how glorious!  I should have realized that Jack was just warming up for something.

This beautiful silence was finally broken after about 20 minutes with the following statement from the backseat GPS.

 " In two miles we will be turning right onto Division Street.", then a short pause followed by, "I really hope we don't have to do any division problems when we drive down Division Street."

Can you imagine if passing your driving test from now on included doing division problems while you drive down Division Street and God forbid there is ever a Non-Linear Equation Street.

The Dad