Monday, April 28, 2014

Is technology out to get you? Here is Jack's thoughts.

Jack's Jem:

  As most of you out there who own smart phones know,  there comes a time when these phones take on a mind of their own and do whatever they want to, much to the owners aggravation. I always just wrote this off as the glitches in technology, similar to when windows updates in the middle of a major project, and etc, etc, etc!  Last night Jack had a different opinion and now I am wondering if he might be on to something.

   When I got home I found a very upset Jack.  The Mom informed me that Jack had been very good so she had rewarded him with some time on her smart phone to play games.  When he tried to start playing a game the phone would shut down the game, and it did not matter which game, all of them started then shut down.  For an Autistic boy this is as close to physical injury as you can get without there being blood everywhere.  Now as a good father I keep at least one game on my phone for just such an occasion and was able to quickly advert a full meltdown.  

   As I sat watching him play this new game, Jack looks up at me and says " I think Mom's phone just wanted me to do something educational so it wouldn't let me play any games." 

  After the Mom and I stopped laughing, I began to wonder if he might be on to something that no one else has seen. Are these really technology glitches or is it the Rise of the Machines.  

OK, OK, I know its to early for a sci-fi reference, I guess I was channeling my inner Sarah or John Connor, sorry I could help it. 
The Dad


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Note to Shadow the Cat.

Jack's Jem:

    Our cat has an annoying habit of using everything as a scratching post.  Jack finds this scratching very annoying, and honestly we all do.  At some point the Mom and I even discussed having the cat de-clawed, that is how bad she was tearing stuff up.  Evidently Jack decided that we had not taken enough action and this morning I found the following note next to the household change jar.  

Allow me to translate:

Dear Shadow,

  When we have a lot of money [in the jar] you will be de-clawed.

Your Owner

Coin Jar -->

Part of me hopes Jack might become president one day, and why you might ask, because I can see his short notes to say, terrorist for example:

Dear Terrorist:

  When the US Military is ready we will come and get you.

The President

Our Military--> 


PS. We will be there soon.

The Dad

Monday, April 21, 2014

Just being a little brother!

Jack's Jem

  Jack never misses an opportunity to embarrass his sister, much like any other little brother might do.  This morning was no exception, and I am not even sure he was trying.

  Jack was in the tub this morning and his sister wanted to brush her teeth.  So, she asked if he would be nice and close the curtain so she could come in.  Jack agreed and closed the curtain. Don't worry he kept it closed.  His sister finishes up and starts out the door and hears the follow from behind the curtain:

 Two loud underwater farts followed by; "WOW, it sounds like the Titanic in here!"

 I am just not sure what else to say!

The Dad

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Determination level: EPIC!

Jack's Jem:

  This post will in part explain why there has not been any jems in a while.  Since spring break here Jack has been having a rough time. Until this last week he has been refusing to do any work either at school or at home.  Some of you know that he has always had a problem understanding why he can't do things the way he wants to, but this was different. The more we pushed the harder he pushed back, and we just could not figure out why. All he would say is it was unfair that he had to do any work (ie... homework, chores, etc)!  It is import to note here that he comes by some stubbornness honestly because both sides of his family are stubborn, I mean we are really stubborn!  Jack has set a new standard for the family that may never reached again, and that is probably a good thing.

  Now he kept up insisting that he did not need to do any work.  Now keep in mind that during this time he had toys and electronics time taken way, and even at two times was spanked.  He was punished in every conceivable way we could think of short of water boarding (ok, we didn't go that far but I don't think it would have worked if we had tried it). We even resorted to bribery. Nothing seemed to derail him from his course of doing nothing.  Meanwhile his teachers and us could not figure out why he was so determined not to do any work.  He had had plenty of opportunities to tell us what was going on, because we asked him all the time why he did not what to do any work and all we got was it was terrible that he had to do any. 

  Well last week everything came to a head and we had a melt down of monumental proportions over him having to help me make his bed.  For those of you who have not experience an autistic child's meltdown there comes a point were there is nothing that will stop it other than space and time.  Well, we went beyond that point by miles.  I was even told that I was a disgrace and disappointing as a father and not by my wife for once (just kidding, love you honey).  
  So where is all of this going and how in the world could this be funny, well put down anything you might be drinking.  I finally, after kicking him out of his room and taking everything from him and making him sleep on the floor at the end of my bed, got an explanation: (drum roll please):  

Jack:  "On the Garfield cartoon, Garfield said [to the audience] see if you sit around on the couch and do nothing you can have a TV show too"

Well Garfield is now on permanent hiatus from the TV and things have improved since we have explained to Jack that is not how it works.  Ok, I am lying to him a little because that is the only way to explain how the Jersey Shore got on to TV, but that is a discussion for later.  I just up he uses his determination for good.

Enjoy, and good luck with everyone's TV careers
The Dad

Advice for keeping a positive attitude!

Jacks Jem:

During our quarterly parent teacher conference this past week, I was glad to hear Jack does not keep his jems at home. The following is advice that Jack gave his teacher.  It's important to note that his teacher does not like Thursdays, so much so she calls them Friday eves.

Well the Thursday before last his teacher was not having a good day and Jack gave her the following advice:

Jack:  Did you drive to school today?
Teacher: Yes
Jack:  Well a least a piano did not fall on your car.

Now fast forward to this past Thursday and Jack checks on his Teacher and tells her well at least you haven't been hit in the face by a pie.

How can you argue with logic like that.  So if your having a bad day just think it could be worse a piano could land on your car or you could be hit in the face by a pie.  

the Dad