Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Diagnosis Memory Loss

Jack's Jem:

  So yesterday I picked Jack up from the bus after school and took him with me to run some errands.  As we were driving along Jack's looks over at me as says "Dad you didn't play Infinity with me yesterday, when you had a break from your homework." For those who don't know the Disney Infinity is a pretty neat little video game, and we let Jack play on it as a reward.  Now I had told Jack that I would indeed play the Infinity with him when I took a break from my school work.  I told Jack that " Sorry, I just forgot."

  I should have known that would not be the end of it.  Jack looked over at me again and with a very concerned face told me in a very clinical tone "Dad I think you have Short Term Memory Loss, because you forget lots of stuff."  I am laughing out loud at this point, and I really wanted to say to him no I have kids, but I refrained.

  I would like to say that was the end of the story, and I will defend myself up front I had to go and spend money on my first pair of prescription glasses, and dang they are expensive and dang I hate getting old so my mind was very preoccupied after Jack diagnosed me. Later that evening I was standing the kitchen talking with the Mom telling her that Jack had said something funny but I could not for the life of me remember what it was.  Well, Jack walks into the kitchen and says very nonchalantly "memory loss" and walks back out of the kitchen.

Dang it, he may be right.
Well Enjoy, what ever it was I was talking about.
The Dad, I think.


  1. Oh, yes. Familiar territory. Just don't give up, Marine!

    1. Thanks for the support Nana! I won't give up, this is once I remember what I was not suppose to give up on in the first place, LOL.
