Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why are you NOT SLEEPING? OH wait this is a trap!

Jack's Jem:

Oh Sleep, that elusive creature that most parents long to find, is once again missing at our home.  We are missing so much sleep it has taken me two days to pen this post.  Well for those out there that don't know Jack, he has an internal clock that the government could check the atomic clock against.  He is up every morning between 5:45 and 6:00, and when he goes to bed makes no difference.  It is also important to note for later in this post that when he is awake he is awake and at full speed.  Now normally this little wide awake thing is not an issue because his wonderful mother also bounces right out of bed and attacks the day.  Our daughter and I on the other hand are dangerous to be around in the morning.

So let set the picture of this past week; one the mother was sick with the flu so Dad has to get up every morning (Honey, I am not complaining, just making an observation, Love you (yep that was a married disclaimer)), and two all week a small miracle happen Jack slept in every morning until I had to wake him up.  This little treat allow me to have a full cup of coffee before I had to release the beast,  which I desperately needed.  So by Friday I had been lulled in a false since of security, that led me to believe on Friday when the kiddos had a day off from school I would be able to sleep in.  Well Friday morning arrived and at 5:30 AM Jack is in my bed talking to me, ugh.  So, I ask him, why when he slept in every morning this week are you up so early today?  He responded in his best sing song voice "because it's the WEEEEEKEEEENNNNND!"

Jack's Checklist (well this is my opinion on how this all worked out)
1. Bait the trap by sleeping late: Check
2. Set the trap by getting up early on day off: Check
3. Spring the trap on unsuspecting sleeping parents: Check
4. Have fun: Check and Check

After his mother and I stopped laughing, I realized that the whole week of sleeping in most have been Jack charging his batteries for the WEEEEKEEEENNNNND!

One tired sucker of a Dad.

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